The Fullness From The Beginning

The Fullness From The Beginning

It may have only begun as a feeling, yet the image seen in my mind’s eye was unfathomable. Standing before Almighty Yahweh, He declared – “ This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Well done good and faithful servant”. I fell to my face and wondered how he could say this about me.

As I argued with myself, He revealed to me a part of Him in me that had always been , but I hadn’t recognized it until that moment. A depth of Him I had never known. With its root remaining in the depths of my heart, He pulled this part of Himself that had always been, and placed it on my shoulders. I was bewildered, and began to wonder why.
Rumbling out from what He had placed on my shoulders, I heard Him say,

“Bring back to me what has always been. The part of Me that has always been you. The fullness of We.”

So, the journey began… With the vision of the completed work squarely on my shoulders, and Holy Ghost as my guide, I began to search, and listen, and watch. So often the path was dark and many times the next step was a leap of faith. I could not tell if there was firm ground, or a pit. Yet deep within the root of what He had placed on my shoulders I knew peace. Peace I couldn’t understand or explain.

I took one more step.

Each time I did, a light would to shine brighter from within my heart. From there I could see that the deepest roots of that which He had placed on my shoulders was intertwined there as well. And each step brought the light to shine brighter still.
As the light became brighter and brighter I looked and saw what He had placed on my shoulder. Everything that I ever had need of, everything that He had made me to be, the supply for every work, the blessing of every sacrifice, and the abundance of heaven and the fullness of Himself; the ability to complete what I had seen from the beginning was already there. All I needed was to access it.

I fell to my knees in worship.
I saw We.
Him in me and I in Him.

Of this I am certain. The tangible evidence of all that He has placed in me, for me and through me IS “exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think”.
The time is Now.

2 Comments on “The Fullness From The Beginning

  1. The journey into accepting the truth, the path of John 15 and so much of scripture. Those verses have indescribable depths that are, indeed, dimensional understanding bringing multidimensional life. I envision walking and it’s as though one piece at a time this shell is falling off and original intention and design ignite as I allow myself to believe what Yahweh speaks over me. I see that scene from the movie Avatar when they are running through the woods at night and as their feet connect to the land the land illuminates in response. As Yahweh continues to bring together so much more than I could ever ask or imagine. His faithfulness fills my eyes with holy tears as He gently reveals each intricateley interwoven connection within me in Him and me in those He has designed for me to be connected to in this privileged path. Yes the road is extremely narrow and yes it has been extremely dark and tretourous at times. But those are the times that Yahweh always revealed Himself to me…sometimes He manifests in indescribable and undeniable power and at others simply enough that His presence was an echo of an invitation but real enough to resonate with His echo in me. It was that resonating within that illuminated the strength to continue knowing that the now that was and always will be is the now of Yahweh in me.

    1. Holly, I am so amazed at how Holy Ghost can take the intent of Yahweh’s word in one and fulfill another perspective of intent in another – taking the treasure in each and making it exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think! Wow!!!

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