• The Resonance of Harmony

    I began to shake with a rumble that felt like it would break apart the fiber of my existence. My chest shook in a resonating frequency that felt like an explosion of joy. The air became thick with anticipation and ripe with heaviness as the smell of a fresh rain filled the place I had stood. I knew instantly that…

  • Treasure from The Darkness

    Darkness fell. The total absence of light was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I was aware that I seemed to be standing, or was I? In this pitch black I could not be sure of anything. I felt as if I was standing on firm ground, but without a point of reference I could be lying flat on…

  • Set Apart

    As I look to my right, I realize I am sitting beside a grand oak. Majestic and sweeping branches larger than a man curl and swoop out from its trunk in what seems like an eternity. Its shade extended far beyond its borders as the setting sun caused the shadow to reach to the horizon. Scattered on the ground was…

  • An Audience of One

    An Audience of One – Standing before an open field. A sound began to resonate the very core of my spirit. Its sound was like thunder from the depths. Each crack exploded louder still until the sound could no longer be contained. The grass of the field stood to attention. The rocks turned their gaze. The mountains reflecting the sun…

  • The Fullness From The Beginning

    It may have only begun as a feeling, yet the image seen in my mind’s eye was unfathomable. Standing before Almighty Yahweh, He declared – “ This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Well done good and faithful servant”. I fell to my face and wondered how he could say this about me. As I argued…

  • Now (and Yet An Appointed Time?)

    How can you see all of time as Now, and yet deal with the process of time? Its all about perspective. Yahweh began to show me that the past, present and future were are part of the same. This began to change my perspective on how time works through me. A really good friend of mine, Cassondra Beers, recently said,…

  • Shout from The Mountain

    Shout from The Mountain I want to stand on a mountain and scream as loud as I can. The revelations of You, Yahweh grow stronger and deeper, and the only release I can see is to stand on this mountain and declare! Your peace passes all understanding and the joy I feel can not be contained. Truth is Yahweh, sometimes…