• Tear

      By Cassondra Beers   Tears for tears as I am rent asunder Torn in two, ripped, and broken, I am the Veil and Crucifixion has unwoven me “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” From top to bottom I am torn, And the very Earth is shaken and altered so that Death and Life are again made…

  • Find Me In The Waters

    In the stillness I see your reflection, Yahweh – the colors, the hues, the deep saturation of Your love My heart begins to blaze what my eyes behold and the very fibers of my being can not contain the fire I look inside and begin to see the depths of You and I realize how much of who You are…

  • Shout from The Mountain

    Shout from The Mountain I want to stand on a mountain and scream as loud as I can. The revelations of You, Yahweh grow stronger and deeper, and the only release I can see is to stand on this mountain and declare! Your peace passes all understanding and the joy I feel can not be contained. Truth is Yahweh, sometimes…

  • The Reason You Were Set Apart

    Ripped away from all you’ve ever known tumbling, spiraling, falling to the earth No longer a part of that which you have always felt surrounded by the unfamiliar yet somehow knowing you have been set apart No longer swaying in the wind from the branch the world seems a much different place The wind, the rain, and the sun all…

  • The Infinite Symphony

    The conductor, with his hands outstretched, to begin the music of the infinite symphony Those who are listening anticipating and resonating sounds they already know Each trumpet, each flute, each trombone, and each tuba The drums, the cymbals, The timpani, and the xylophone Each French horn, saxophone and clarinet Each sound, each note already released in the heart of every…