• Knowledge and The Fear Of The Lord

    By the Spirit I began to see a swirling of the color purple. This suddenly changed to the color Indigo— a very deep purple. Feeling as if I was under very deep water,  I thought I was looking at the surface, instead I was looking into the depths. The depths should be darker or Indigo, but instead, was more of…

  • The Narrow Hall to The Door of Choice

    Looking down a narrow hallway I see a large wooden door. The same door I had seen just the day before. Seeing all of this by the Spirit, I pondered it’s meaning. The living letter Dalet is a picture of a door and a place of choice, but why the narrow hallway? Is this a place of focus? A place…

  • The Sign of Jonah ׳ונה

    Remembering fond memories, as a child, always lead me to when my mother would read Bible stories out of our huge Children’s Bible Story Book. All three of us children would listen attentively. Her passion and love for Yahweh would pour out in dramatic form as she would speak for Yahweh in her loving motherly “Deep Voice” that always made…

  • The Fallacy of Failure

    What if I said that failure is a construct of the mind whose only purpose is to give you an excuse to quit? Your head is probably spinning about as fast as mine did when I first heard these words. Yahweh spoke them to me during a time when situations dictated that I look at the necessity to continue along…

  • Intention and Expectation

    “Yahweh, I set my INTENTION, not my EXPECTATION, on Your word for my life.” Daniel Jedidiah Cook Several weeks ago this declaration erupted out of my spirit. Being one of those times when the word explodes, you suddenly realize that the word has far more depth than realized. Intention was ready to speak! I, like many of you, have engaged…

  • All You Ever Needed

    Words could not describe the beauty of what was now before me. The gently sloping meadow meandered to a distant valley. Just beyond lay what seemed like both a mountain range and yet a single mountain. I began to notice that I could not see a sun. Your light was providing the illumination of all that I could see. We…