The colors, orange shined brilliantly so
Thank you, Oh Creator King
That I bring in dusk and dawn
I render all my hue to You
In radiant praise
The color blue sang too
The sky, the heavens, oh render I praise
Heavens and waters and oceans deep
Surely You Oh God have highly favored me
Each color rang out with declarations of praise
Green for life’s bud and purple in petals of flowered passions dew
Yellow shone bright as the noon day sun
Streaming and beaming knowing he is the favoured one
Now Father loved each and every color true
And as they praised Him He asked
May I share your favor and color with all
At first the thought of another thing to interrupt this one on one time
Was beyond the scope of the colors being
However in yielding, they bowed
Soon Orange blended with blue
Green came too..purple and red and yellow burst
Brilliance in united praise, each radiating their own deep hues
Yet together, instead of just a stroke of the Masters brush
Together, they became His very Master Peace.
Author of Ascensions Reign
Thank you dearest Jedadiah….
Thank YOU for the beautiful expression of Christ in you! You are One in a Trillion!